Technology Profile Report

The Technology Profile Report provides insight on the Platform OS, Browser, and Language of users.

Platform / OS:

  • Platform – Device:  Mobile, desktop, or tablet.
  • OS - Operating system: Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Linux, Chrome OS, Other/Unknown.
  • Count - Number of times an ad was rendered on the platform/OS.
  • Percentage - The count divided by the total impressions.

OS / Browser:

  • OS - Operating system: Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Linux, Chrome OS, Other/Unknown.
  • Browser - Internet browser:  Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox, Other/Unknown.
  • Count - Number of times an ad was rendered on the OS/Browser.
  • Percentage - The count divided by the total impressions.


  • Language - User's language.
  • Count - Number of times an ad was rendered for the language.
  • Percentage - The count divided by the total impressions.