Video & Audio Report

The Video & Audio Report provides Video and Audio metrics including views, average view length, quartile views, total video play time, completion rates, average view rate, and control engagements like plays, pauses, replays, mutes and seeks.

Video Report:

We know video & audio content is key to engaging users, so we’ve given it its own report. Metrics include views, average view length, and total play time as well as control engagements like replays, mutes and seeks.

  • Video/Audio Completion Rate – Percentage of times the video played to the end. (100% column divided by the Total Plays column).
  • Average View Rate – Percentage of the video watched by users. (i.e., if users watch an average of 20 seconds of a 30 second ad, then the average view rate is reported as 66.66%
  • Average Interaction Rate – Number of user interactions with a video, on average, such as Pause, Full Screen, Mute, etc. (it's the Video tabs columns for Play, Replay, Pause, Mute, Unmute, and Hover Sound added up and divided by the Total Plays column).  Must be user-initiated (if they click for replay/not auto).

 Video & Audio Overview:

  • Ad Name – The name of the creative build in the builder/running in the campaign.
  • Source – The video source/type (custom video, Youtube, Vimeo, VAST).
  • File/ID – Video file name or youtube ID.
  • Impressions – Total number of times the ad was rendered on the page.
  • CTR – Percentage of clicks to impressions (ratio of users who clicked on the video to the # of total users who viewed the ad).
  • ER – Ratio of unique engagements to total impressions.
  • Views – Number of video views.
  • Ave View Length – Average view length in seconds.

Video & Audio Average View Length:

  • Ad Name – The name of the creative build in the builder/running in the campaign.
  • Source – The video source/type (custom video, Youtube, Vimeo, VAST).
  • File/ID – Video file name or youtube ID.
  • Views – Total number of video views.
  • Ave View – average view length in seconds.
  • 0-25% - Number of viewers that viewed first portion of the video (up to 25%).
  • 25-50% - Number of viewers that viewed up to second portion of the video (up to 50%).
  • 50-75% - Number of viewers that viewed up to the third portion of the video (up to 75%).
  • 75-100% - Number of viewers that viewed up to the end of the video (up to 100%).
  • 100% - Number of viewers that viewed the entire video (100%).
  • Total Play Time – Total play time of video in days/hours/min/seconds.

Video & Audio Engagements:

  • Ad Name – The name of the creative build in the builder/running in the campaign.
  • Source – The video source/type (custom video, Youtube, Vimeo, VAST).
  • File/ID – Video file name or youtube ID.
  • Play – Number of viewers that clicked on the video play button.
  • Replay – Number of viewers that clicked on the video replay button.
  • Pause – Number of viewers that clicked on the video pause button.
  • Mute – Number of viewers that clicked on the video mute button.
  • Unmute – Number of viewers that clicked on the video unmute button.
  • Volume – Number of viewers that clicked on the video volume button.
  • Seek – Number of viewers that clicked on the video seek (forward/rewind) button.