How to Serve Out-of-Page Ads in Google Ad Manager

This article will walk you through serving out-of-page ads in Google Ad Manager.

How to Serve Out-of-Page Ads in Google Ad Manager

  1. Export your tag and choose Google Ad Manager from the Ad Server dropdown menu. 
    * Note - More information on exporting tags can be found in our article
    Exporting Ad Tags.  
  2. Add a new creative to your Order in DFP, by selecting "Custom".  
  3. Paste the Adventive tag into the Standard HTML code block.  
  4. Select "Out-of-Page" from the Targeted Ad Size dropdown.  This will activate additional macro options.   Place your cursor directly after the "oop=" parameter in the Adventive Tag:


  5. Click “Escaped view impression” This will result in the OOP macro being inserted (%%VIEW_URL_ESC%%).


  6. Proceed with configuring the remaining creative options according to your site requirements.