Action on Video Completion

This article will walk you through adding an Action on Video Completion to your ad unit

In this article, you will learn:

How to Add Actions to an ad unit

How to Add an Action on Video Completion

How to Configure the Action on Video Completion

How to Add Actions to an ad unit

Actions are single-event operations to trigger something specific to happen within your ad build. Any asset, text box, shape or Hitbox can have a corresponding Action set to it.

  1. Choose the ad format and dimensions of the ad unit you wish to add the Action to.  For guidance on building specific formats, check out this article.
  2. Once you have created your ad, select the object you’d like to set an action to. 
  3. Click the blue "Add Action" button on the right side of the builder:


  4. The "Actions" section will then appear in the Properties panel:



How to Add an Action on Video Completion

A video can have a corresponding action set to it on Video Completion. You have the option to Go to Screen, Open Overlay, Open as Full Page Flex, or Close Ad.

  1. Select the video you’d like to set an action to, and click the blue "Add Action" button on the right side of the builder.
  2. With the Video component selected, the Actions menu will show "Video Complete" as the default for "Action On":


How to Configure the Action on Video Completion

The configuration options for the Action on Video Completion are explained below:

Report Label (Optional) Append a unique label for the Go To Screen action, which will display in campaigns and reporting.
Action Single-event operations which trigger something specific to happen within you ad build. For Action on Video Completion, you have the option to Go To Screen, Open Overlay, Open as Full Page Flex, or Close Ad.
  • Go To Screen - Opens another screen in your ad unit once the video completes.
  • Open Overlay - Opens another screen in your ad unit as an Overlay once the video completes.
  • Open as Full Page Flex - Opens another screen in your ad unit as a Full Page Flex once the video completes.
  • Close Ad - Closes the ad on video completion.
Action On

The event that will trigger the action. For Videos, the only option is "Video Complete".

Screen The screen in the ad unit that will launch/open when the action is triggered.
Transition The animation effect - Slide, Fade or Push.
  • Slide – Screen slides left, right, up or down.
  • Fade – Screen crossfades to the next.
  • Push – Screen pushes page content down or up.
Transition Time Speed of the transition animation (Default is set at 300ms).
Direction If Slide or Fade is selected as the transition animation, you have the option to choose the direction:
  • Up, Down, Left, Right, X-Auto (auto detect).


  1. Add your report label (optional).
  2. Make your selection for the Type of Action that you'd like to be triggered once the video completes:


  3. If Go To Screen, Open Overlay, and Open as Full Page Flex are selected, select the screen in the ad unit that will launch/open when the action is triggered:

    * Note - Be sure you have added an additional screen before you get to this step, or they will not be available in the drop down menu. More information on adding additional screens can be found within our Screens & Layers article.
    When adding a second screen, the second screen can be be the same width as your first screen, but does not necessarily need to be, depending on your ad.

  4. Select the Transition animation:


  5. If Fade or Slide is selected as the Transition, you will have the option to choose the Direction:


  6. Set the speed of the transition animation (Default is set at 300ms):


  7. If adding a Close Ad action, the unit with close out automatically once the video completes:


  8. Save and Preview KB-Animations-Eyeball to test.

Additional Notes

  • To add additional actions, select the asset on your canvas that you'd like to add the action to, and click the blue “Add Action” button above your previously added Action on Video Completion:


  • Action 2 will then be added to the Actions Properties panel:

  • To remove an action, select the object/layer/asset that has the action set and click the minus (-) button located at the top right of the added action, within actions panel.
  • Clicking the plus (+) button will add a new action directly below the selected action.
